Why Louisiana?

Experience world-class education, embedded in unrivaled cultural fusion and a stunning natural environment, inviting creativity and exploration!


Find innovative academic programs that thrive in Louisiana and express our unique flair for life and learning:

  • Explore Francophone culture and linguistics in the home of the Cajuns;

  • Develop natural resource management skills in the wetlands;

  • Learn engineering in the Louisiana Industrial Corridor;

  • Sharpen your publication and editing skills at the only French language press in the United States; or

  • Revolutionize biochemistry studying alligator DNA to create a new generation of antibiotics.

... this is Study Louisiana!

Expand your network with global industries and unique geographical opportunities in prime locations for innovation and research at our more than 40 institutions of higher education.

... this is Study Louisiana!

Discover that anything is possible in an economy driven by diversity, as students find in internships and training.

... this is Study Louisiana!

Live in a place where hospitality and personal connections are still real and serve to open doors to the world.

... this is Study Louisiana!

Uncover what we call “lagniappe” - a little something extra…

Study Louisiana, and open your mind to a whole new world of experiences!